
Hell's Aquarium Chp.1

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Chapter 1: One of Those Days

===========BAKING SODA===========

A brown and dark brown raccoon dog named Dante was walking down a hallway. He had bags under his eyes from working on a project of his late into the night. But he was enough awake to carry out his current task. He stopped in front of a door and slowly, almost cautiously, opened the door.

The room he walked into was simply decorated, but messy, and dark. In the center of one side of a wall, a bed with a shape covered by a comforter.

"Jazz. Wake up," Dante said. His only response was a grunt and the shape turning over under the sheet. Dante just sighed. "Fine. Have it your way." With that, he walked up to the bed, dug his hands under the mattress, and flipped it over, causing the shape to yelp in surprise and get squashed beneath the mattress.

Then Dante started jumping on the mattress relentlessly, yelling with every jump. "I! Don't! Have to! Tell! You! Again! Now wake up!!"

"I'm up! I'm up!!! I'M UP GODDAMMIT!!!!" came a muffled reply from the shape.

Dante jumped onto the ground, grinning. "Good."

The shape, who turned out to be a black raccoon dog with a red mask and ringtails, crawled out from under the mattress, breathing heavily. He glared at Dante. "What the hell Dad!?" he said, voice dripping with venom.

Dante just smiled and replied, "Good morning to you too Jazz."

Jazz didn't let up his glare. "So is there any reason for you waking me up like that?" he asked.

Dante grew serious, saying, "Get dressed. We have something important going on today."

"How important?"

"It's the 'Get up and go now or I will kill you' important."

Jazz laid back his ears. "It's like that huh?"

"Yes. Now get dressed." And with that, Dante walked out.

Jazz sighed loudly and said out loud, "Why the hell does it have to be one of those days?"


Elsewhere, the light of the moon shone through an open window, causing the silver fur of an Akita named Shiro to shimmer slightly. Silently, he, in his WarDog form, padded out of the living room and down a hallway, careful not to make a sound, lest he woke his sister.

The Akita turned his head, looking through an open doorway and into a room. He frowned slightly as he saw an empty bed.

"Where the hell's Kura?" Shiro whispered to himself as he looked around. Suddenly, he was reminded, by the light of the full moon, of his sister's mental condition. "Oh, right, lycanthropy." He shook his head. She seriously need to see a therapist or something.

Shiro continued on his way, finally coming to another room at the end of the hallway. He stood on his hindpaws as his body started changing, eventually taking the shape of a Varg dressed in black. He extended his one black paw, placing it on the door knob, and silently twisted it.

Quietly, the Akita slipped into the room, which was pitch black, owing to the fact that the only window had been covered. If silence wasn't the key, Shiro would've chuckled. It amazed him that his niece couldn't stand any amount of light on her when she slept.

Carefully, he moved his paws along the floor, occasionally nudging something in the dark, thus causing him to alter his course. Eventually, his movements took him to the side of a bed.

He reached out, feeling for Ruslana or, as she preferred to be called, Rus, his niece. For the second time that night, a frown crossed his face.

"What the-? Where is she?" He pondered to himself, before a voice cut in.

"What the hell are you doing in here, Shiro?!"

Quickly, the Akita twisted to the side, just barely avoiding a blow. A pair of red glowing eyes locked onto him.

"Well brother!? What are you doing here?!" The voice snarled angrily, the eyes pulsing brightly.

Shiro stood his ground, but kept his gave averted from the eyes, knowing the danger of looking into them.

"I'm just checking on, Rus, Kura." He said calmly as he felt around on the wall behind him, attempting to locate the light switch.

Kura snorted. "What?! Don't think I can take care of her!?"

"Not at all, just-" He found the switch and flicked it on, flooding the room with light.

KuroShiniKaze no Makurayami, known commonly as Kura, narrowed her eyes at the sudden light. In the dark, her black fur had served her well, but now, in the light, she could easily be tracked. But, judging by the number of scars that slashed through her pelt, one could tell that she could care less about whether she was tracked or not.

The female Akita bared her fangs insanely. "Just what, eh!?" She snarled as a pair of black, red-tipped wings flared out behind her, seeming to double her size.

Shiro sighed. This was definitely not going as planned. "Kura..."

Kura glared at him, but remained silent.

"...I'm sorry."

Kura frowned. "For wha-?" She wasn't able to finish.

In a flash of silver, Shiro rushed forward, drawing a scythe with a blood red blade a holder on his back. With a few quick words, the scythe morphed into the form of a mace, which, in turn, crashed down, right between Kura's ears.

Taken completely by surprise, the black Akita just stared at her silver, equally scarred, brother. Slowly, and after a few moments, Kura's eyes rolled back in her head, revealing the bloodshot whites, then she collapsed, spark out, onto the bed.

With another sigh, Shiro turned the mace back to a scythe and placed it back onto his back. "Sorry, Kura, but-"

"Uncle Shiro?

Shiro turned and looked. Rus, a black Akita with silver Tora-ge markings, had just walked into the room, her multicolored eyes half closed and her head fur extremely ruffled.

"Oh, there you are, Rus." Shiro said as Rus yawned, flicking her ears groggily. Inwardly, Shiro cursed Kura. Why won't you stop? Shiro thought to himself, reffering to the fact that Kura had been messing with Rus again.

"Rus, did you wake up in the dryer?" Shiro asked.

After a few blinks, the Akita gave a tired nod. Shiro rolled his eyes and muttered. "You just couldn't resist the fact that she's a zombie if you wake her up, could you Kura?"


"Nothing Rus, but get ready."

Rus tilted her head slightly. "Why?"

Shiro gave her a weary smile. "Something's going on today and we can't be late."


"Just get dressed Rus." Shiro said as he walked out of the room, dragging Kura after him.

Rus blinked her eyes a few times, then walked over to a closet, who's contents seemed to be trying to escape, and started digging around, searching for her hoodie. After a few moments, she pulled the black article of clothing out and put it on, turning groggily to a mirror, only to behold the fact that not only was her hoodie inside out, but it was backwards.

"...damn..." She muttered as she corrected it, mutter. "Just another one of those days...great..."


Dante was in front of another door, steeling himself for his next task. It's just bad luck I'm going in here at THIS time of the morning.He thought. He double checked the map of the room, making sure he remembered every single detail. It was easier said than done, but he had to.

Nobody likes getting blown to pieces.

He opened the door, even more carefully than the last, and walked in, making sure he doesn't step in the wrong place. Which was kinda hard to do with the floor being littered with books and magazines. If anyone saw this, their first thought would be that the room inhabitant was an avid reader. Well, they'd be half right. He was an avid reader of dirty novels and magazines.

Dante hat to keep himself from looking at the mag covers and focus on navigating safely to the bed. When he was finally able to, he saw a dim light shining through the covers. His curiosity spike, he pulled back the covers to find a red raccoon dog with a gray mask and ringtails and a demonic right arm. Said raccoon dog, whose name was Ravager (or Rav, as everyone call him), was reading a playboy with a purple glowing playing card for light.

Rav looked up, startled by Dante's appearance. "Uh, hey Dante," he said shakily. "what's up?"

Dante didn't know how to react to the scene in front of him. When he finally got his composure back, he replied back. "Oh good. You're up. That saves me time."

"Time for what?" Rav asked, putting the mag under his pillow.

As Dante was about to answer, a scream was heard through the house.


Dante and Rav were at a loss for words for Jazz's outburst. Then Dante remembered what he was gonna tell Rav. "Oh. Get dressed and get Angel when you're done."

Rav perked an eyebrow at the second request. "Why do you want me to get her?"

"Just do it," was the only reply he got before Dante walked off.

Rav got out of bed and looked for his jeans on the floor, thinking, praying, to himself. Please don't let this be one of those days.


Fyre carefully made his way around the HQ, careful not to wake anyone, especially Ryne. He looked over, keeping a close eye on the red Akita, making sure she didn't wake and catch him.

A little ways over, a white, one-eyed German Shepherd snored loudly, seeming oblivious to all that went on around him, while another dog, this one a bright copper color, groaned as he pressed his pillow to his ears, attempting to drown out the snoring. Fyre rolled his eyes and continued walking, careful to step softly around a green bear with a bright red crest of fur on his head.

Finally, the silver Tora-ge Akita came to what he was after.

Sprawled out on a mattress, was a black cat with a bright red tail. A necklace of white shark teeth, with a blue shell between each tooth. He snored slightly, his mouth slightly agape and a trickle of saliva trailing down the side of his mouth.

Curled up close to the cat, who was named KuroKaze (or just Kuro), was the silver form of a mongoose. The tip of her black tail twitched slightly, but, otherwise, the mongoose, known to her friends as Silver, was still. Except for...

Silver kicked out suddenly, her hindpaws whacking into the face of a small black bear with a red headstripe. Slip flailed around briefly, then sat up and rubbed furiously at his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Darn it, Silver, why'd you-"


Slip jumped, letting out a yell, which was muffled when a silver paw was placed over his mouth. Fyre's voice came from the side.

"Quiet, Slip. You don't want to wake everyone, do you?" Fyre asked.

Slip merely shook his head, being unable to talk.

Fyre nodded and continued. "Alright, here's what I need you to do. Wake up KuroKaze and Silver, quietly, mind you. Tell them we have something to do today."

"Is it one of those days?" Slip asked, his voice muffled.

"Well...who really knows." Fyre replied as he released the bear. "Just do what I told you."


"That's a direct order, Slip."

The black bear sighed and reluctantly went about the task of waking his friends.

"Yep. It's one of those days." He mumbled sadly as he shook Kuro and Silver awake.


A fair ways away from where Slip was waking his friends, Angel, a white hybrid-cross between a fox and a coyote, slept.

Having worked late into the night and early morning, Angel had eventually fallen sleep, seated at her desk, her upper half lying on it, still holding a pencil in her hand. Save for the occasional twitch of an ear, or the flick of her tail, she was still.

Angel. Can you hear me?

Angel's ears gave a twitch and she mumbled something in her sleep, turning her head to the side.

ANGEL. Wake up. A dimension hole opened up in the middle of the room. The source of the voice came from inside the rift.

This time, Angel didn't even move. Save for the fact that the pencil fell out of her hand and rolled across the desk, finally dropping to the floor.

Rav walked out of the dimension hole, his footsteps barely making a sound. He walked over to Angel and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Angel. Wake up." he said, giving her a light shake.

Suddenly, an angry growl came from behind Rav. He froze, knowing full well who was behind him. Hesitantly, he turned around, facing a lagre multicolored WarDog. "H-hi Spectrum," he said, trying not to betray the warienss creeping over him.

Spectrum glared at Rav, his lips pulling back to reveal his green and orange fangs, all of which were barred in a snarl. The WarDog had been lounging on Angel's bed, almost asleep, when the appearance of the dimension hole startled him awake.

Now he stood, his fur raised, as a snarl uncurled from his throat and the red colors in his coat flashing.

Rav cursed inwardly at his situation. He and Spectrum weren't really on good terms. Any other day, he'd happily blow him up. But he couldn't risk drawing the attention of Angel's relatives. And if her aunt found him here... Rav shuddered at the thought. "Spectrum," he said. "I know what this looks like, but I need you to not make a sound."

Spectrum glared at him, then growled angrily, allowing his fur to lay back down. Rav sighed in relief. "For a moment, I thought you would try and bite me again."

Suddenly, there was a flurry of clicking claws and a serious of chirps. From seemingly out of nowhere, a small hydra launched himself at Rav, landing on his back and clinging. Rav jerked forward a bit, then he stood up, smiling. "Hey Infinity," he said, scratching the hydra's head.

Infinity chirped happily as he laid across Rav's shoulders. He twisted his head around, getting ready to give Rav his normal greeting...

...but was cut short as Spectrum, having been startled by the sudden movements, lunged, his fangs snapping angrily as he snarled and foamed at the mouth.

Rav barely reacted in in time to hold up his right arm infront of his face as Spectrum chomped dwon on it. But instead of feeling pain from the bite, he only felt irritable for the dog trying to attack them. "Spec," he whispered. "Why the hell did you do that?"

Spectrum glared at him, the whites of his eyes bloodshot as he yanked his fangs out and backed up, tail thrashing madly. The dog snorted and turned, leaping onto the bed and curling up, continuing to glare at Rav.

Rav glared back at him for a moment, then turned his attention back to Angel's sleeping form. He tries shaking her awake again. Come on Angel,he was speaking through his thoughts now. I know you can hear me. We have something important to do. Come on!

Angel groaned as she caught the thoughts, if just barely. Groggily, she opened her eyes, blinking in confusion.

"What?" She asked tiredly, stifling a yawn.

"Dante told me to get you. He said it was important."

Angel sighed, then sat up, stretching. She gave a yawn, then stood up, stretching still.

"Great, just what I wanted to hear the second I wake up." She mumbled, to herself mostly, as she walked to a hook on the wall. Angel reached out, grabbing a white lab coat from the hook and put it on.

Rav perked an ear. "Why are you getting that?" he asked.

Angel shrugged. "I just wanted to wear it, no other reason."

Rav just 'hmmed' and walked towards the dimension hole. "The mutt can come with us if he wants." But the way he said it made him seem like he didn't want Spectrum to come.

Angel sighed and looked at Spectrum, who lifted his head, ears perked and head cocked. Angel scratched her head. She at a slight lose at what to do, owing to her indecisive nature.

Rav sweatdropped, already figuring out why it was taking so long for her to decide. "I thought we fixed the indecisive problem a while back." He said.

"Yeah, well, I'm guessing it came back." She said with a shrug.

Rav rolled his eyes. "Whatever." he said, obviously irritated. "Just bring him. He might be useful. Keyword might" Rav stepped into the dimension hole. "I'm just waiting for you two."

Angel sighed. "Alright." She turned to the dog and whistled. Spectrum stood up and walked over to her, standing by her.

"You planning on taking Infinity with you?" Angel said with a slight smile, nodding at the hydra, which still perched on Rav's shoulders.

"Yep. Somebody's gotta keep me company." Rav said, then he added with a smirk, "Unless you want to keep me company like last time."

"Oh?" Angel said, perking an eyebrow. "Is that what you're planning to do with him?" She asked, jokingly.

Rav's looked at Angel strangely. "You have some really weird fantasies Angel. No, not weird. Sick."

Angel laughed. "That wasn't a fantasy Rav. I was just joking."

"I knew that." Rav said defensively. "But still..."

"Never mind." Angel said with a wave of her hand. She walked towards the dimension hole, Spectrum following closely. "Let's just get going."

Rav stepped to the side, giving her room to walk in.

Angel stepped in, Spectrum quickly following. "Tell me, Rav, is it one of those days?"

Rav just sighed. "I really hope not Angel. But who knows." Nothing else could be heard as the dimension hole closed, leaving the room in silence.

~Chapter end~
Whew. Putting this donw from the notes was murder. Anyway, HOORAY FOR THE FIRST CHAPTER :w00t:

Oh and one more thing. :iconcommentplz:

Dante, Jazz, and Rav. :icondragonuv3:

Shiro, Kura, Rus, Fyre, Kuro, Silver, Slip, Angel, and Spectrum. :iconzs99:

Infinity. Co-owned by both of us.

Chp. 2--->[link]
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Paradox-Rose's avatar
I have a few question. Is infinaty some sort of bird and is spectrum just a dag or is he currently just in dog form?